Innovation ,Entrepreneurship, Project dissemination & communication

Our experience and practical knowledge in innovation , entrepreneurship , writing project proposals and business plans , project management , project dissemination & communication.


A presentation of LACONSEIL Brussels team

28 October 2021

A presentation of LACONSEIL Brussels team which was greatly appreciated by the audience : " Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Transformation of EU " -during a successful meeting organized by The Sapienza University of Rome, within the framework of FOReSIGHT project. 

Other News

22 June 2021

New office

We are delighted to meet you at our new headquarters in Brussels- Avenue Marnix 17.

05 July 2018

Do you need additional funding to cover the rest of 30% of the value of your H2020 project ?

We are committed to update your proposal, with new information related to excellence, impact and implementation. Moreover, we make every effort to adapt your project proposal to be easy to understand by the banks, as well as by the venture capi...